I'm UX/UI Designer
Manuela Prokopp.

My passion is creating intuitive and engaging digital experiences that delight users and achieve business goals. I’m excited to hear about your project and find out how we can work together.

About Me

Find out more about me in my full resume.

My journey in UX/UI Design

Beginning my career as a graphic designer, I’ve transitioned from print to digital media, where I’ve focused on enhancing user experience and user interface design. With the rise of cross-functional teams and digitalization, the importance of UX/UI design has become even more evident. 

I’m currently working full-time as a UX/UI designer, but I’m always interested in connecting with others and learn new things.

I’ve had the opportunity to witness the impact of UX/UI design firsthand in numerous projects, some of which I’ve included in my portfolio. 

Feel free to explore my work and discover more about my expertise in UX/UI design. If you’re interested in collaborating or have any questions, I would love to hear from you. 

Don’t hesitate to provide feedback or get in touch for more information.

Core Expertise

Creating effective and user-centered design solutions.

User Research and Analysis

Effective user involvement throughout the product development process, from ideation to launch, is crucial for successful requirements engineering and overall project success. Incorporating user insights from start to finish enables us to create tailored solutions that deliver high added value and exceptional user experiences.

Visual Design and Prototyping

The design process follows an iterative approach, focusing on compelling and user-friendly interfaces. Our UX/UI measures mediate between business and user needs to evolve unique concepts. Accordingly, we enhance the development handoff  and collaboration through the seamless integration of prototypes and a clear design language.

Usability Testing and Evaluation

Our user-centered approach includes in-depth research and testing, allowing us to optimize the design for ease of use and overall user experience. Proven methods like heuristic evaluations and usability tests identify potential issues before release. Our commitment to usability and user experience drives our design process, ensuring that we’re doing the right thing from the start.


Below I showcase a selection of my work, which includes both professional and some smaller personal projects.
My goal in UX/UI design projects is to prioritize the needs of users, making digital products intuitive and effective to use.

🚧 Under Construction: Please be patient, I will present my work here soon.


I’m not a gifted writer, but I like sharing my thoughts on topics that inspire me or exchanging knowledge and ideas.
I’m excited to share this with you, and I hope you enjoy reading!

What People Say

Many thanks for the kind words from those I have worked with.
I deeply appreciate your collaboration and leverage your feedback to continuously improve my work.

(…) it was extremely helpful for the further development that Design Mockups were created and usability tests were carried out. Weak points could be identified and taken into account in the development. I am sure that this significantly increases the acceptance and frequency of use of the app.

Steffen G.
Strategic Sales Management, 
Fresenius Medical Care

(…) Starting with identified needs, through design workshop, project calls, trainings on SharePoint technology and various follow up meetings, I find it as a really valuable experience that led to the creation of the site. We’ve also received first positive feedback from the users.

Anna K.
EMEA Learning Governance & Community, Fresenius Medical Care

We found the use of the UX/UI design absolutely helpful and supportive for the comparison of the requirements / ideas between Netcare and Fresenius Kabi. We recommend the involvement and thank you for the constructive cooperation.

Kirsten K. & Stefan M.
Marketing Management,
Fresenius Kabi

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